

The latest consumer electronics, from smart home devices to cool gadgets that are bound to be industry-changing.

artificial plants environment clean energy photosynthesis artificial plant biosolar cell

Artificial plant purifies indoor air and doubles as a power source for small electronics

Big if True: Cyanobacteria were the first organisms on Earth to develop the ability to produce oxygen. Through photosynthesis, they convert light into chemical energy and oxygen. According to a team of US researchers, cyanobacteria could even serve as a powerful air filtration system when integrated into a new "artificial plant" concept.
scientists transistor

Scientists create edible transistor using an unlikely material: toothpaste additive

It can't help you think faster, but the medical potential is exciting
WTF?! A humble toothpaste additive has provided the key to a major breakthrough in the field of edible electronics. Researchers have successfully built the first fully edible transistor using copper phthalocyanine – a crystalline blue pigment commonly employed as a whitening agent in toothpaste formulations.
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